Astrology, the ancient practice of studying celestial bodies' movements and their purported influence on human affairs, has captivated humanity for centuries. While skeptics may dismiss it as mere superstition, millions worldwide find value in its insights for self-reflection and personal growth.

At the heart of modern astrology lies the natal chart, a snapshot of the sky at the moment when you were born. Within this cosmic map, three key players take center stage: your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. 

Keep reading for this guide on how your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs contribute to your personality through each astrology sign. You'll also learn which scents are a perfect match for every placement.

What Are Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs?

Before we delve into the specifics of each astrological sign, it's crucial to grasp the fundamental concepts that form the foundation of Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read on to learn all about the basics.

Sun Sign

The Sun sign is what most people refer to when they ask, "What's your sign?" It's determined by which of the 12 zodiac constellations the Sun was passing through at the time of your birth.

Your Sun sign represents your core identity, fundamental character, and ego. It influences your basic motivations, willpower, and how you express yourself creatively. Think of it as the spotlight of your personality -- the part of you that shines brightest and most consistently.

For example, a Leo Sun might indicate a naturally confident, charismatic person who loves to be the center of attention. The Sun takes about 30 days to move through each sign, which is why birthdates roughly correspond to specific Sun signs.

Moon Sign

While less commonly known, your Moon sign is equally important in astrological interpretations. It's determined by the zodiac sign the Moon was in at your birth moment. The Moon changes signs every 2-3 days, making it a more personal placement than the Sun sign.

Your Moon sign governs your emotional nature, instincts, and subconscious mind. It represents your inner world -- how you feel, react, and process emotions. It also influences your sense of security and what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled.

For instance, someone with a Taurus Moon might find emotional comfort in stability, physical pleasures, and material security, regardless of their Sun sign. Your Moon sign offers a window into your inner emotional world, shedding light on your deepest needs and instinctive reactions, particularly in close relationships and when you're alone.

Rising Sign

Your Rising sign, also known as the Ascendant, is the sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the exact time and location of your birth. Because the Earth rotates fully in 24 hours, the Rising sign changes approximately every two hours, making it the most personal of these three placements.

The Rising sign reflects how you present yourself to the world, the first impressions you make, and your way of interacting with others. It's like a "mask" you wear in public that shapes how people see you when they meet you for the first time. Your Rising sign also influences your physical appearance and how you approach new situations.

For example, a person with a Gemini Rising might come across as talkative, curious, and adaptable in social situations, even if their Sun and Moon signs are more introverted. The Rising sign also determines the layout of your entire birth chart, influencing how other planetary energies express themselves in your life. 

Understanding Sun, Moon, and Rising for Each Astrology Sign

Below are descriptions of each astrology sign placement. You'll also learn about the best scents that match astrological personality traits.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Sun in Aries: These born self-starters are bold, energetic, and active (often athletic). Aries suns are natural leaders with a pioneering spirit who aren't afraid to take initiative and love new challenges. 

Moon in Aries: Lunar Arians have emotions that are intense and immediate. They react quickly and passionately, often wearing their heart on their sleeve.

Aries Rising: They may come across as confident and assertive. Their energy is palpable and they're often seen as the initiator in social situations.

Scent matches for Aries include spicy aromas like cinnamon or ginger. They could benefit from calming scents like lavender as well.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Sun in Taurus: Steady and reliable, Taurus natives value stability and comfort. They strongly connect to the material world and appreciate life's sensual pleasures.

Moon in Taurus: Their emotional needs are tied to security and consistency. They find comfort in routine and physical affection.

Taurus Rising: They present themselves as grounded and practical. People often see them as dependable and maybe a bit stubborn.

These sturdy folks would appreciate rich floral scents like rose and jasmine. Earthy aromas such as patchouli and sandalwood suit them as well.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Sun in Gemini: Geminis are known to be curious, communicative, and always seeking new information. Their adaptability and quick wit make them social chameleons.

Moon in Gemini: Gemini moon natives have mercurial emotions that change rapidly. They process feelings through conversation and intellectual analysis.

Gemini Rising: They come across as talkative and friendly. Their first impression is often one of intelligence and versatility.

Citrusy aromas like lemon and bergamot and light floral scents such as lavender and lily of the valley are great matches.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Sun in Cancer: Cancerians are nurturing and intuitive. They're also deeply connected to their emotions and those of others. Family and home are central to their identity.

Moon in Cancer: A lunar cancerian's emotional world is rich and complex. They're highly empathetic and may absorb the feelings of those around them.

Cancer Rising: These natives often present as caring and protective. People often sense their nurturing nature upon first meeting them.

Scent matches include warm, homey aromas like vanilla and cinnamon or aquatic fragrances like Ocean Breeze.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Sun in Leo: Leos are charismatic and confident and naturally draw attention. They have a flair for drama and a desire to be recognized.

Moon in Leo: The emotions of Leo moons are warm and generous. They need admiration and appreciation to feel emotionally fulfilled.

Leo Rising: Many Leo risings may seem dramatic and self-assured. Their presence is often commanding and hard to ignore.

The perfect scent matches for Leo placements are exotic fragrances like ylang-ylang and frankincense or rich, warm scents such as amber and musk.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Sun in Virgo: Virgos are known to be analytical and practical. They have a keen eye for detail and always strive for perfection by looking to improve.

Moon in Virgo: A lunar Virgo's emotional needs are tied to order and usefulness. They process feelings through analysis and problem-solving.

Virgo Rising: Virgo risings show up as organized and helpful. People often see them as reliable and meticulous.

Scents matches include lavender and chamomile or fresh, green scents such as sage and eucalyptus. They may also appreciate light, clean fragrances like linen and cotton.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Sun in Libra: Sun in Libra natives are often diplomatic and charming, as they seek balance and harmony. Relationships and aesthetics play a crucial role in their life.

Moon in Libra: Their emotions are centered around fairness and partnership. They need harmony in their environment to feel emotionally stable.

Libra Rising: Libra risings tend to be graceful and sociable. People are often drawn to their charm and sense of fairness.

Libra placements may enjoy floral scents like rose and peony or light and airy scents such as vanilla and almond.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Sun in Scorpio: Scorpio natives have reputations for being intense and mysterious. They have a powerful presence and are not afraid to explore life's depths and taboos.

Moon in Scorpio: A Scorpio moon has a deep and complex emotional world. They feel things intensely and may be prone to emotional extremes.

Scorpio Rising: They present as magnetic and somewhat intimidating. People often sense their intensity from the first encounter.

Scorpio placements may be drawn to deep, musky aromas like patchouli and vetiver. They might also enjoy rich, exotic fragrances like Ylang Ylang and sandalwood.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sun in Sagittarius: Saggitarians are optimistic and adventurous and always seeking to expand their horizons. They have a philosophical outlook on life.

Moon in Sagittarius: Lunar Sagitarrians are emotionally tied to freedom and exploration. They need space and new experiences to feel emotionally satisfied.

Sagittarius Rising: These rising signs come across as jovial and enthusiastic. People often see them as honest and direct.

Woody scents such as cedar and pine or exotic fragrances like patchouli and incense are good matches. An invigorating scent like eucalyptus is a suitable Sagitarrian pick as well.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Sun in Capricorn: Ambitious and disciplined, Capricorn sun natives are focused on achievement. They have a strong sense of responsibility and practicality.

Moon in Capricorn: Capricorn moon natives may be more emotionally reserved. They may suppress feelings in favor of practicality.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn risings tend to be serious and competent. People often see them as mature and responsible from the first impression.

Perfect scent matches could be patchouli and cedar or classic fragrances like leather and tobacco.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Sun in Aquarius: These quirky natives are innovative and independent and march to the beat of their own drum. Aquarians often focused on humanitarian causes.

Moon in Aquarius: Lunar Aquarians are often intellectual, so their emotions may seem detached. They need freedom and unconventional experiences to feel emotionally fulfilled.

Aquarius Rising: They come across as unique and perhaps eccentric. People often see them as friendly but somewhat aloof.

Perfect scent picks for Aquarian placements are fresh, airy fragrances like sea breeze or unusual combinations such as fig and coconut. A meditative-friendly scent like Palo Santo is a good match as well. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Sun in Pisces: Pisces suns are intuitive and compassionate. They're deeply connected to the spiritual and emotional realms and often have rich imaginations.

Moon in Pisces: Lunar Pisceans experience emotions that are fluid and empathetic. They're highly sensitive to the feelings of others and may need time alone to process.

Pisces Rising: A Pisces rising may show up as dreamy and gentle. People often sense their compassionate nature upon first meeting them.

Scents that match Pisces placements include ocean-inspired fragrances like sea salt or soft, powdery aromas like violet. Something romantic and sweet such as Ylang Ylang or lily may be suitable too.

How to Find Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs

Discovering your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs is an exciting step in exploring your astrological profile. The easiest way to find these signs is by using online natal chart calculators available on reputable astrology websites.

These user-friendly tools provide instant results based on your birth information. Some popular options include:

To generate an accurate natal chart, you'll need your date of birth, exact time of birth, and place of birth. The date determines your Sun sign, while the time is crucial for calculating your Rising sign, which changes approximately every two hours.

Your birthplace affects the positioning of celestial bodies in your chart. If you don't know your exact birth time, you can still determine your Sun and Moon signs, but your Rising sign will remain unknown.

The Rising sign is particularly sensitive to birth time accuracy. Even a few minutes can change your Rising sign.

If you're unsure of your birth time, check your birth certificate, ask family members, or contact the hospital where you were born. Some astrologers also offer chart rectification services to estimate birth times based on life events. 

Connect to Yourself Deeper Through Your Personal Astrology Profile

As we wrap up our exploration of Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, it's clear that these three elements offer profound insights into our personalities, emotions, and outward expressions. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, astrology offers a unique language for understanding ourselves and others. It encourages introspection, empathy, and a broader perspective on the human experience. 

Are you interested in using natural scents to connect with the nature of each astrology sign in your profile? Bursera offers ethically and sustainably sourced aromatherapy tools to help you connect to yourself and your environment through the power of scent. Visit our shop for high-quality aromatic products today.

October 08, 2024 — Bursera Natural Products Ltd.