Astrology Gifts: Unique Ideas for Each Zodiac Sign
Millions of people around the world have been captivated by the world of astrology. However, while all Western astrological signs are Greek, the practice dates back to Ancient Babylon.
As our natural curiosity about the stars was passed down to the Greeks, and then the Romans, the signs and their constellations were reinterpreted into forms they recognized.
Over 2,000 years later, astrology still has a huge following, although its practice has changed a lot. Predicting our futures and trying to see what life holds for us is as much about fun as anything else.
There are even astrology gifts for dedicated astrologers. We'll discuss some of them below.

Going in the order of the calendar year, Capricorn is the first and last sign, covering late December to early January. Capricorns are known for their ambition, leadership qualities, and mischievous nature.
The Capricorn is represented by the sea goat. According to one tale, this goat was a form of Pan, the Greek god of the wild.
In this tale, Pan leaped into the water and tried to become a fish to escape a monster. This attempt was partly successful, and the sea goat was the result.
The best gift for a Capricorn would likely be something that fuels their ambition. They could benefit from something that helps them stay organized or stay on task. Our Focus diffuser kit is perfect for this and would be an amazing gift for the Capricorn in your life.
The second sign in the calendar year, Aquarius represents healers and bringers of life. Fittingly, they're the most non-conformist of all the signs, as well as some of the most compassionate. They try to spread positivity wherever they go, much like our white ceramic diffuser.
Aquarians are very driven, but they won't do anything that they don't want to do. This applies to career goals and interpersonal relationships.
While Aquarians are very caring and genuine in their relationships, they may struggle to express their feelings. This might make them seem distant, but don't believe this.
The Aquarius symbol is a man pouring out a jug of water. To the Mesopotamians, this represented Enki, a god of knowledge, magic, and healing who lived in a gigantic ocean that Mesopotamians believed existed beneath the land.
Given their caring and unique nature, an Aquarius would benefit from something that advances a cause they believe in. They might enjoy a gift from us at Bursera, for example.
An essential oil gift set would help them relax and enjoy the space around them. It's also ethically sourced, so they can use it without compromising their ideals.
The last sign in the traditional Zodiac calendar, although only third when going January-December, Pisces are known for their sensitivity, emotional intelligence, and imagination.
They're the type who often don't need to be told how others are feeling. Unfortunately, this sensitivity comes at the price of potentially being overcome by emotions.
The best astrological gifts for a Pisces could be something water-related. Pisces is a water sign, and what better use is there for water than making tea? Tea tree essential oil could be the perfect thing for a Pisces.
Aries encompasses those born from late March through most of April. Confident and impulsive, Aries very much match the ram that signifies them. Unfortunately, this often means substituting enthusiasm for foresight and charging into things with little thought as to consequences.
Aries are bold and loyal, and their charismatic nature makes them just as often successful as not.
The Aries symbol is a ram, which could represent a few things. The Egyptians interpreted the ram as Amun, a god with the head of a ram who created the universe and himself.
To the Greeks, the ram represented the ram with the golden fleece. This ram featured prominently in Roman mythology as the prize sought by Jason and the crew of the Argo.
Being a fire sign, one of the best personalized zodiac gifts for an Aries is our volcanic diffusing rocks. We also have several other products that work well for fire signs.
Taurus is the sign of the bull, but they don't fit the popular idea we have of bulls. The image of the rowdy rodeo bull or the bulls that stampede through the streets of Pamplona couldn't be further from the personality of a Taurus.
The important thing to remember about the namesake animal of Taurus is that it's a type of cow. When not deliberately antagonized, bulls are laid back. They have a nasty temper, but they don't get upset as easily as one might think.
While they're occasionally stubborn, Tauruses crave comfort and stability. They enjoy the finer things in life, and they're willing to work hard for them. Tauruses tend to be financially responsible and are equally comfortable in nature or a five-star hotel.
Being an earth sign, a Taurus should take to natural, woody scents. Our Terracotta Collection gift set should do the trick. If you don't want to get the whole set, you could get just a single piece.
Curious, but often unfocused, Geminis are well-represented by twins. Despite their distractable nature, Geminis are anything but dumb.
On the contrary, they're often well-versed and can have very sophisticated conversations about their various interests. The phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none," describes Geminis perfectly.
Geminis make great friends, and their unpredictable nature means that there's never a dull moment. However, sometimes a Gemini's distracted nature and multiple interests cause them to spread themselves thin. This makes it harder for them to manage their time effectively, so they sometimes miss important dates or accidentally break promises.
Perhaps the thing Geminis need most is time and a chance to self-reflect. A few minutes to organize their thoughts and schedules can help Geminis avoid those overbookings that they so often fall victim to. We recommend our Calm and Balance essential oil blends as gifts for astrology lovers and Geminis in particular.
The most shy and reserved sign, Cancers are slow to trust but loyal to a fault. Cancers crave emotional intimacy, but they want to make sure it's with the right person.
Their sensitivity often makes them scared to approach a potential partner, so they might not do so right away. If you're interested in a Cancer, approaching them might be your best option.
Their dedication to emotional vulnerability and support leads them to be great caregivers. A Cancer might sacrifice their own desires for those of others. However, they're also very protective of themselves and others, so they might become distant if they feel slighted.
In Greek mythology, Cancer represents a giant crab that attacked Heracles during the twelve labors he was made to perform.
Heracles killed it with a club. Hera, the queen of the gods, and the one who sent the crab, memorialized it in a constellation.
You have a few different choices of unique astrology presents for Cancers. Cancer is a water sign, so they'll gravitate towards things that remind them of the water. For this reason, they might be drawn to eucalyptus essential oil.
The showmen of the zodiac, Leos are known for their passion, charisma, and dramatic flair. While some people describe their lives as always the bridesmaid, never the bride, Leos are always the bride, even if it means playing dirty.
This isn't to say that Leos are always prima donnas. Most of the time, they come into the limelight naturally.
They're charming and confident, and they seem to draw people to them wherever they go. Leos often make great actors, musicians, or other artists. Their craving for the spotlight leads them to perfect their craft, and their bravery means that they rarely back down.
Despite their dramatic tendencies, Leos are loyal and can be great friends and passionate romantic partners.
If you want to impress a Leo, get them something unique that encompasses the nature of this fire sign. A Desert Rose scented candle should work.
Virgo is an earth sign that's known for nurturing skilled advisors. They have an easier time being objective than others because they approach things from a logical perspective rather than an emotional one.
Unfortunately for Virgos, the nuanced, understanding attitude they show towards others doesn't extend to themselves. Virgos are ruthless when judging their own actions.
A Virgo's inner critic might make them an over-achiever, but it can also lead to burnout if not reigned in.
The origin of Virgo's maiden symbol is debated. One interpretation is that the sign represents Astraea, a Greek goddess of justice and innocence. Others claim that the symbol for Virgo represents Persephone, the queen of Hades in Greek myth.
If you're looking for personalized zodiac gifts, try our Virgo Rising scented candle.
Libra is an air sign represented by a set of scales. However, Libras aren't known for being arbiters and justice-seekers like Virgos. In their case, the scales stand for balance and harmony.
If Libras could be described in one word, it would be peace-loving. Ideally, they would like everyone to be happy so they can move forward together. Don't get the impression that Libras are pushovers, though.
Libras are often socially adept and can navigate various groups with ease. This allows them to find common ground and avoid conflict.
Libras can be indecisive and might bend over backward to please people. Having assertive friends can keep Libras from giving in to unreasonable demands.
Libras often find that fruity, citrus scents resonate with them. This makes Palo Santo the ideal gift for them.
Scorpio is a water sign that's known for its determination and passion. They have magnetic personalities and are great at getting what they want. This high motivation is often intimidating, which has given Scorpios a bad rap.
Scorpios can come off as mysterious and brooding at times, but there's a keen sense of observation underneath. Scorpios have the uncanny ability to read people and get a sense of them without needing to talk much.
A Scorpio's observation skills can be a great asset to their career. Some of the best actors and writers are Scorpios. Their ability to pick up on emotions and motivations and how they play out allows them to bring characters to life.
A Scorpio's passion often follows them into their romantic relationships. They're known to have a huge sexual appetite, and their relationships tend to be fiery. Sex can sometimes be too important for Scorpios, leading to affairs.
Lavender is a great scent to get Scorpios.
Sagittarius covers those born between late November to December. It's represented by the archer, which has been interpreted in many ways by various people throughout time.
The Greeks and Romans interpreted Sagittarius as a centaur or a satyr. This constellation is positioned so that its bow is aimed at Scorpio.
Scorpio, according to Greek myth, represents a giant monster sent by the earth goddess Gaia to kill Orion the hunter. In Gaia's defense, Orion had just threatened to kill every animal on the planet.
The Babylonians had a different interpretation of the archer in the stars. For them, the archer represented Nergal, the god of war, plague, and death.
Much like the monster hunters and death gods that inspired their symbol, Sagittarians are known for their sense of humor. They're also deep thinkers, eager learners, and avid explorers.
Their appetite for life can make them a bit arrogant as they experience more of the world. Sagittarians will likely take to woodsy scents, like cedar. These can be found in our Palo Santo gift set.
Astrology Gifts for Every Sign
If you have an astrologer in your life, get them an astrology gift. We carry a wide selection of astrology gifts on our site, so you should have no trouble finding the right one.
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